Illusions Vinyl Fence Featured in "This Old House" Magazine. How do I protect my fence from wind damage? | Illusions Fence

Illusions Vinyl Fence Featured in “This Old House” Magazine. How do I protect my fence from wind damage?

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Illusions Fence Featured in This Old House


Illusions Vinyl Fence is excited to announce it was featured in a recent This Old House article on “Budget vs. High End Vinyl Picket Fences” comparing Illusions Vinyl Fence to others.

Here is a link to the article.  CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE. We are honored to be featured and we believe we have the greatest product at the best price in the industry.

The price differences were staggering. Illusions came in substantially below a similar section of Kroy. The article also mentions the matte finish of the Grand Illusions Color Spectrum and Vinyl WoodBond. Upon reading, it is also interesting to note that occasionally the article seems to allude to Illusions Vinyl Fence as a product that will blow away in very high winds unless you buy the 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kit.

We would just like to take the time to explain the way the 75MPH Wind Kit works and how this comparison seems a bit unfair.

Illusions Vinyl Fence is probably the best wind rated vinyl fence in the industry. The sections being compared are both Classic Victorian Picket Fence styles. Either one will probably hold up in a wind storm with or without a wind kit and someone would rarely purchase a wind kit for this style of fence. This is based on the fact that the wind will blow through the pickets with nothing to grab onto. We just wanted to let consumers know that wind kits are available with all styles of Illusions Vinyl Fence to protect their home and yard in a high wind area like next to a park, school, parking field, or the seashore.

Illusions Vinyl Fence has created the 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kit to meet and exceed the Miami-Dade County (Florida) Certifications for 18 different styles of fence including privacy and semi-privacy. Up to 8′ high and 8′ wide. This is more styles and at a greater height than any other fence brand in the world. This creates a perfect medium for commercial fencing where windload is an issue. All Illusions vinyl fence is made with 100% Pure Virgin Vinyl which increases structural integrity.  AND…  All Illusions Vinyl Fence is ASTM F964-09 compliant.

This adaptor kit allows for any of those 18 styles in any of the 35 colors or 5 woodgrains to be able to withstand the 75MPH Wind Certification.

It should be know that Illusions is also an extremely high quality product that just happens to cost substantially less. If you want to find out more about the 75MPH Wind Kit, check out this article we published recently.

Landscape Architects should also check out the Illusions Fence Design Center to come up with new and innovative ideas for your next project.

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