World’s First Mahogany Fence Installed in Cold Spring Harbor, NY
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. These may speak more. This is the world’s first (Vinyl) Mahogany fence. At 1/10th the price of real mahogany! Installed in Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Sold straight from the Grand Illusions brochure and the Illusions Fence Design Center. The homeowner is ecstatic.
Vinyl WoodBond Walnut is a huge seller too. There are jobs are in New York, Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, and Connecticut with tons more on the way.
“Surprisingly enough,” says Peter Williams Sr. C.F.P., “the Patio White is a big seller too. Who knew so many people were looking for a matte finish white fence. Now it’s here, and it’s selling big!”
Stop by to try out the
Illusions Fence Design Center and design your fence today!