Illusions Vinyl Fence is VMA Vinyl Manufacturers Association Certified | Illusions Fence

Illusions Vinyl Fence is VMA Vinyl Manufacturers Association Certified

illusions vinyl fence is a vinyl manufacturers association certified for the highest and best quality in the fence industry


Illusions Vinyl Fence is VMA Vinyl Manufacturers Association Certified


What is the VMA?


The VMA (Vinyl Manufacturers Association)
is the Voice of the
Vinyl Fence and Railing Industry
and this is their certification logo.

Illusions Vinyl Fence
is a VMA certified product.


The VMA was formed with a mandate to advance the following strategic objectives:

  • Develop product performance standards to govern all manufacturers and establish a comprehensive certification program to ensure ongoing compliance with the established standards.
  • Collectively influence the development of product code requirements for fence and railing products.
  • Develop a marketing campaign to promote the use of vinyl fence and railing products.
  • Develop and research market intelligence in order to solicit, assemble and disseminate market information to members.
  • Monitor the activities of consumer and environmental advocacy groups and deploy counter measures to advance the public perception of vinyl fence and railing products.
  • Develop trade and consumer educational programs to demonstrate the engineered performance of vinyl fence, deck, and railing products.

What Does This Mean
For Your Company?


With the VMA Certified Seal prominently displayed on your Illusions Fence products, you (and your customers) can have the confidence that you (and they) are receiving the highest quality products in the market.

VMA Certified Illusions Vinyl Fence products meet or exceed industry standards. Illusions’ company, products, processes, and facilities have been audited by approved third party test labs and inspection agencies.

Homeowners will seek out the VMA Certified Seal for the assurance that the company they are purchasing their products from is providing them VMA Certified Illusions Vinyl Fence products.

The VMA Certified seal offers consumers the peace of mind that their purchases made today will withstand the test of time due to the high quality manufacturing and verification processes.


Download the Illusions VMA Brochure
to Find Out More



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