What is the Future of the Fence Industry? | Illusions Fence

What is the Future of the Fence Industry?

Yellow and white pvc vinyl fence to match home

What is the future of the fence industry? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Maybe. Maybe not. We at Illusions Vinyl Fence have. We ask it all the time. We try to predict where the trends will go and what fences people will be interested in purchasing for the future.

Do you remember the first time you saw an iPod? You may have assumed it was a fad that would soon go the way of the Beta video tape or the Atari game console? Or did you look at and say, “Wow! That’s amazing. All of my music in one little device! I’m totally going to have to get one of those! That’s the FUTURE of the music industry!”

Perhaps you did say that… Or maybe by the time you realized it WAS the future of the music industry,  you had so much invested in CDs already that you were going to wait for a couple of upgrades until you invested. Either way, the iPod and digital music did become the future of the music industry. You probably have owned a few already, and the future has never looked back.

We believe that the Grand Illusions Color Spectrum and Grand Illusions Vinyl WoodBond color and wood grain PVC vinyl fencing products by Illusions Vinyl Fence ARE THE FUTURE OF THE FENCE INDUSTRY.

Think about it.

What do people love in a fence? Usually, the look of a beautiful painted or stained wood fence.

What do people dislike in a fence? Usually, painting or staining their wood fence. AND, the fact that wood doesn’t hold its beauty as long as PVC vinyl.

What fence can give people what they love and not what they hate? Grand Illusions fence products look like painted or stained wood fence with the low maintenance of PVC vinyl. It’s as simple as that. Matte finish colors and authentic wood grains. Mix and match color schemes. Color matching to your home or any color you choose. Wood grains with real knots! Grand Illusions even comes in the extremely popular Patio White. MATTE FINISH WHITE PVC VINYL FENCE.

Do we still make good old fashioned Classic White PVC vinyl fence if you’re still holding on to those CDs a little longer? Sure we do. The best in the business too. Illusions Vinyl Fence was founded on white PVC vinyl. And we’re not getting rid of it any time soon. We’re just changing the fence industry one home at a time. Perhaps you’d like to be next? Show your neighbors the new “iPod of the Fence Industry.”

white vinyl pvc picket fence from illusions fence

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