Now's the Time for Your Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kit! | Illusions Fence

Now’s the Time for Your Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kit!

Now’s the Time for Your Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kit


You Can’t Change Whether Wind Storms Will Hit Your Illusions Fence In the Future,

But You Can Prepare For It.


With the recent rash of wind related events in the news, it seems obvious that many poor, defenseless fences will be blown down and carted away to become firewood or recycled for shower curtains.

It has become a painful realization that our world is changing every day and that powerful and violent wind related storms are just another fact of life.

If you feel you are in an area you feel is susceptible to high winds and hurricanes, it is our belief in preparing your fence ahead of time, now you can arm them with the most powerful Illusions defense mechanism available. The Illusions 75 MPH Wind Adaptor Kit.

No other company has wind ratings that go up to 8 foot high and 8 foot wide PVC vinyl fence. Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kits wind adaptors have been certified to the most stringent hurricane codes in the country. Miami-Dade County in Florida. In order to be certified, Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kits had to sustain gusts up to 130 MPH for as long as 30-40 seconds. The Miami-Dade 75 MPH certification states that “when properly installed, approved styles of Illusions fencing can withstand sustained 75 MPH winds.” There is even an 8 foot high Illusions Vinyl Privacy Fence installed at the Housing Authority of the City of Key West, Florida. That’s confidence in a product.

Want to see what styles are available with the Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor Kits? Here is a link to the official NOA page on the website:


















Check out the Illusions Commercial Vinyl Fence Brochure for more information on your Illusions 75MPH Wind Adaptor KitsTM





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